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For this project, I was asked to design a 10-15 minute campaign level for a popular shooter or action game of my choice which in this case I went with Destiny. Throughout the development of this High-Level Design, I focused on the scenarios, pacing, encounters, and flow of the level. Also, as I worked on some of the encounters, I learned how to build very efficient environmental layouts by adding a decent amount of cover, testing out a different of sightlines, and making sure that all the paths were fluid enough for the players to navigate through. These level design concepts still allowed me to create a very fun and engaging level for the player to play through, which is always my goal.

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Before building the level in unity, I made a flow chart and mapped out the design of the level. The design includes the path that the player takes, an explanation of what the player is expected to do in every setup, and a detail description of every encounter.

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