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Milestone 2 picked up by continuing to iterate upon my teammate’s levels in order to keep the level of polish, setups and balance cohesive with one another. After I added all the spawn machines to every level, I continued to proceed with making sure that the player had enough PFI when playing through Level 2.


Some of our playtesters had a very hard time figuring out where the ZomBots were spawning from and often felt like it was from random spots. I decided to add doors to the left and right side of the machine which made the spaning spots a lot more obvious. Additionally, the enemy bullets were blending in with the ground when shooting at the players, so I changed the color of the bullets so the player had better visuals of them and could have a chance to evade them. 

Another thing that we got feedback on was checkpoints. Our players would start all over again every time they died which was not fun given the length of the levels so I had more checkpoints added into certain key areas of the game to increase its playability. While making these adjustments we ran into a bug where the player enemy would continuously land damage on the player without giving them a chance, so I discussed it with the team and decided to at a knock mechanic which allowed the player to regain composure after every hit. This mechanic did exactly that, the player would get knocked back every time they were hit by the enemy. 


These were some very welcomed changes that propelled us with even more confidence. Excellent teamwork and communication set us up for the next and last stage of our game in which we would start adding art and polishing the levels for launch!



  • Rigorous play testing and bug fixing on the Level 2

  • Iterating upon the design with assets, lighting, SoundFXs, and Music

  • Added enemy spawners throughout the level to refine pacing so the Player consistently is required to do something

  • Balanced the Health and Damage values of the enemies so the player is met with a fair challenge during these early stages

  • Scripting additional setups in Level 2 to keep gameplay interesting

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